Legal Justice for me

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Criminal Ex-Los Angeles District Attorney Gil Garcetti, and A LOT MORE......

GIL GARCETTI is a Criminal and Illegal, Corrupt, No-Good Person. He and his staff of criminal hoodlums made several agreements with me both IN-WRITING and VERBALLY. They broke so many of them and have tried to sabotoge me and take me out any way they could. The reasons? These are just 2 of the reasons:

My personal involvement in The OJ Simpson Case,


The Mr. Bath Bear (Pertkit) Toy cover-up.

Gil Garcetti and others in the State of California Government, and along with certain people in The Federal Government, with Retail Companies, have covered-up a MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR Situation with this Company called "Mr. Bath Bear" (Pertkit). Certain people and Government Organizations have Illegally retaliated against me because of this. This was a children's toy. I worked for this company, "Mr Bath Bear," in 1991 through some of 1992. Some of the sponges had "TOXIC POISON" in them and other harmful Chemical's added, for reasons, to make the toy grow in water, and then shrink back to it's normal size. The Toy was sold by me to companies like Nordstroms, Sears, Jacobson's Department Store's, The Mercantile Group, Longs Drugs, Fedco, Albertsons, and MANY MORE Retail outlet's..........I can go on and on........... I've got this Documented BIG-TIME (Invoices, Ect, LOT'S), and, The product was sold after a certain time period by certain retail outlet's "WITHOUT," and I repeat, "WITHOUT" Product Liability Insurance. Another words, The Product Liability Insurance ran out, and the product was sold by MANY Retail Outlet's after the Product Liability Insurance ran out. When I found out, I told Many People, Certain Government Organizations, and Companies about this, but no one did anything about it for whatever Greedy, Illegal Reasons, and MORE. I am Talking $$$$$ BILLIONS and BILLIONS of $$$$$$$$ Dollars in Potential lawsuits, Very Possible Negligent Criminal Homicide Indictment's, Criminal and Illegal Cover-up, and MORE. Certain people and Organizations have tried to have me WIPED OFF the Face of the earth just for this Situation alone. It's a Very Complex Situation.

ANYONE, AND I MEAN ANYONE, that has ever had his or her child, or children play, Chew on, or come in contact with this toy, they need to get them to a doctor, FAST. THIS IS SERIOUS.

At this time, I am being retaliated against because of information I have in:

The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment Case,

The Michael Jackson Cases and Saga,

The Biggie Smalls Federal Lawsuit Case,

And MORE......................

I legally put LAPD RHD Detective Ronald Y. Ito, Marcia Clark, and others on a "SILVER PLATTER" for OJ Simpson. You know why OJ Simpson has never taken-me-up on this situation? ROCKY BATEMAN................OJ Simpson is still using me as a human shield.

I gave Daniel Nicherie information that, if Mr. Nicherie was innocent of the charges leveled against him in The Pellicano Indictment, he wouldn't have said this to me:

"I appreciate you writing to me and forwarding all your information but I really don't see how our two cases have anything to do with each other."
Say WHAT?????

Well, this is part of what I told Ami Shafrir in an Email. I am X-ing out Mr. Shafrir's E-mail Address:

Well, this is part of what I told Ami Shafrir in an Email. I am X-ing out Mr. Shafrir's E-mail Address:

Sun, 16 Jul 2006 17:31:09 -0700 (PDT)
"Mario Nitrini III"
Re: tinseltowncoldcase

"..............One thing about me, I look at both sides of Everything I can. I took This Daniel Nicherie situation much farther than anyone knows. He is on My "My Space" Website.

I "CONVERSED" with him by Private Message.

In The OJ Simpson Case, I put several People on a "Silver Platter," so to speak, for O.J. Simpson. HE NEVER TOOK IT. The reason was my Ex-in-law Rocky Bateman.

Ami, I FEAR NOTHING. I will go into a HORNET'S NEST, or the Opposing teams Huddle. WELL,

Same with Daniel Nicheire. I put some people on a "Silver Platter" for him. He wouldn't take it. That shows me ONE THING, DANIEL NICHERIE IS GUILTY. Jan Tucker is just like LOT'S of OJ Simpson's Lawyer's, Friends, Business Partners, and Acquiatences. They (Simpson's Gang) Knew Simpson was guilty of murder. They Chased me away enough times. Jan Ticker "KNOWS" Daniel Nicherie is Guilty of Lot's of Crimes............."

I E-mail a lot of people, FOR LEGAL REASONS..........................And MANY people that are in some way connected to The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment Case. MANY, including Pellicano Co-defendant Terry Christensen are waiting to see what I say next, and are "WAITING" on me............... Why are ALL these people "WAITING" on me and to see what happens to/with me next? Think about it? It's NOT that hard to figure out.

Anthony Pellicano Federal Case Prosecutor Daniel Saunders said this to me in an E-mail. I am also X-ing out Mr. Saunders' E-mail Address:

Fri, 15 Dec 2006 10:04:29 -0800
"Saunders, Daniel (USACAC)" XXXXXXXXXXX
RE: Biggie Smalls (AKA) Notorious B.I.G.---and more...............
"Mario Nitrini III"

"Mr. Nitrini,

Our government e-mail server is for official federal government business only. Please refrain from sending me any more e-mails. Thank you for your cooperation.

Daniel Saunders
Assistant U.S. Attorney"

I had E-mailed Daniel Saunders several times before this, but WHY would he respond to me in this MANNER? THINK ABOUT IT? IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO FIGURE OUT.

I have certain Government people and certain Government Agencies caught in their LIES, and I can Legally prove it, with their OWN PAPERWORK, MATERIALS, and MORE, and/or by me putting certain people on The Witness Stand in a Legal Court of Law, whatever the "COURT SITUATON" is.

The Internal Revenue Service has decided to Illegally attack me, which has "gone into" The State of California.

And for what Reasons are the attack's about?

These and more:

My personal involvement in The OJ Simpson Case,

The Anthony Pellicano Federal Indictment Case,

The Michael Jackson Cases and Saga,

The Biggie Smalls Federal Lawsuit Case,

The Mr. Bath Bear (Pertkit) Toy cover-up.

And More....................

It is NOT my intention to get into a legal dispute with The Feds, but I got Certain Internal Revenue people LYING with their own paperwork, and I can prove it VERY EASILY, and I have copies in several different places, just-in-case........If everyone knows what I mean.

And I legally got other "Government people" (Federal and State) caught in their lies.

SO, if The Internal Revenue Service, The Federal Government, and The State of California feel that they have to attack me Illegally, so-be-it, I have the legal "MATERIALS" to legally defend myself, LEGALLY-TO-THE-MAX................ It's a LOSE-LOSE situation for all three of us, The Feds, The State of California and myself. It would be legally best for EVERYONE INVOLVED in these situations to stay calm and not make any STUPID MOVES. DOES EVERYONE LEGALLY UNDERSTAND? I Legally hope so.

Now, I have a big lump in my throat, it hurts, it's red, and I have been told that it could be cancer. I am going to the doctor next week to have it checked out. My headaches are back in full-force again, and my asthma is acting up again. But you know what? I can still legally defend myself, TO-THE-MAX.......................

The OJ Simpson Case


Blogger Michael said...

LOL. Anyone whose kids chewed on some toy in 1991 or 1992 needs to GET THEM TO A DOCTOR FAST? Dude, get a grip. No toys made 15 years ago are of any danger to anyone, and obviously nothing ever came of it to cause BILLIONS AND BILLIONS of dollars in lawsuits.

Seriously, Mario. Get a psych exam ASAP. you are completely obsessed with OJ simpson, have convinced yourself that you are somehow a major player in the murder case, and it has turned you into a delusional fool.

11:47 PM  

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